michael baker
Hometown: Ogmore Vale
Current Location: Ogmore Vale/Llandaff
Club you support: Liverpool FC
First Wales Away: Scotland 1-2 Wales, March 2013. It was freezing but really got me on to the Wales away bug, haven’t looked back since!
Wales Away Caps: 15 not including the Euros!
Favourite Wales away trip: Probably Austria away in 2016, we stayed in Bratislava and there was a good group of us that time. A trip I’ll always remember. (Or Serbia away in 2017, but that’s just because everything was so cheap!)
Favourite Wales away memory: Bumping into Jonny Williams walking back to the hotel from the match in Dublin!
Favourite all time player: Joe Allen
One essential Wales Away item: a Cymru Collectibles tee!
Favourite Band: Sorry he’s not a band, but he’s the greatest: Gerry Cinnamon.
Band we should be listening to: The Now. Indie band from Swansea way. They’re great them.
One surprising fact about you: I go to watch VFL Bochum every season, (pre-Covid), I can’t wait to go back!